Delicious Memories

The Perfect Dessert for your Sweet Tooth

Cras consequat lectus vestibulum tortor pulvinar, quis euismod nisl varius. Ut eu laoreet ex. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam quis sagittis nibh.

Creating delicious memories

Cras consequat lectus vestibulum tortor pulvinar, quis euismod nisl varius. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam quis sagittis nibh. Morbi consectetur ultricies ante ac congue. Donec lorem erat, finibus in velit placerat, rutrum augue.

Gluten Free
Hot Bread
Online Shop
homemade bakery

Avada’s specials baked fresh every morning

Integer a nibh vitae ex porttitor rutrum et ut velit. Etiam ac felis at leo feugiat placerat. Nam in quam lectus. Nunc rhoncus, augue volutpat.

Baking with love since 1980

Our passion for pastries is constantly growing

Integer a nibh vitae ex porttitor rutrum et ut velit. Etiam ac felis at leo feugiat placerat. Nam in quam lectus. Nunc rhoncus, augue volutpat.

Fresh & Tasty Bakery every day

We bake wonderful breads and tasty cakes for your family, catered to your preference.

Quality Ingredient

Fresh Butter

Quality Ingredient

Grade A Eggs

Quality Ingredient

Natural Milk

Quality Ingredient

Quality Flour

Fresh & Tasty Bakery every day

26 Years of Tradition & Experience

Attention to Every Detail

Freshly House Made Goods

Delivery Service

100% Gluten Free Goodies

Hand-selected Grains

Made with love



Jennie Cooper

Co-Founder & COO

Eduardo Black

Executive Chef

Andrew Jeesper

Assistant Chef


“Nothing that is beautiful is essential to life.
If the flowers were removed, the world wouldn’t stop, however who’d like that there were no more flowers?”

(cit. The usefulness of the useless)

The same concept can be applied to our Bijoux, to their vitality and grace, to their intriguing collections.
Every jewel is designed to stir up an emotion to the person that wears it, with its specific colors, shapes and materials.

The responses evoked by our Bijoux are of amazement and desire: each necklace, bracelet and earrings set creates  dynamic unique and exciting.
The jewels are designed to make every woman more beautiful and confident, through a synergy that repeats in the different collections.

We search for those details that bring charm, we do it with the dedication of the Made in Italy, the charm is a main feature of our creations and it has distinguished us for over 30 years.

All our accessories have a precise and strong identity, which makes us stand out on the feminine and glamorous world of the Italian Bijoux.
It’s hard to give up the emotions that our jewels create in the female heart: it’s true, they are not essential, but they add meanings to life.

An emotion. A wish. A smile.

We are all this things.

An emotion. A wish. A smile.

We are all this things.

Discover New

Need informations? We’ll be glad to answer you!

Need informations? We’ll be glad to answer you!

that you provide by filling in this form, in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (also known as the GDPR). The personal data which concern you and which you have spontaneously provided by filling out the forms are collected exclusively to allow contact with the company and, eventually, perform the Contract concluded with you. The provision of the data in question by you is mandatory; your eventual refusal will not allow us to provide you with the product/service which you have requested (potentially exposing you to liability for breach of contract) and, in any case, to process your request. The data will be disclosed only to the members f staff of our company who have been tasked with the processing of such data and always for the purposes mentioned. We would also like to remind you that, by submitting a request to the data controller, you may exercise all the rights granted by articles 15 to 22 of the aforementioned Regulation (EU), which give you the right, in particular, to request access to the personal data and receive a copy thereof (article 15 of the GDPR), the right to rectification (article 16 of the GDPR), and to the erasure of the data (article 17 of the GDPR), the right of restriction of the processing that concerns you (article 18 of the GDPR), the right to the portability of the data (article 20 of the GDPR, if the requirements are met) and the right to object to the processing that concerns you (articles 21 and 22 of the GDPR, for the cases mentioned above and, in particular, in case of processing for marketing purposes or that is carried out via an automated decision-making process, including profiling, which produces legal effects that concern him/her, if the requirements are met). The data controller also recognises, in cases where the processing is based on consent, your right to withdraw said consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the provided consent prior to the withdrawal; in order to do this, you may at any time unregister by contacting the data controller at the addresses published on the website. The data controller would also like to inform you of your right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority in its capacity as supervisory authority in Italy and to bring court proceedings both against a decision of the Data Protection Authority and against the data controller and/or a data processor.

* I have read and accept the conditions of the Privacy

Fall Winter 2021/22





Hai bisogno di informazioni? Saremo felici di risponderti!

da Lei rilasciati attraverso la compilazione di questo form, in osservanza alle norme di cui al Regolamento UE 2016/679, relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, nonché alla libera circolazione di tali dati (noto anche come GDPR). I dati concernenti la Sua persona, da Lei spontaneamente forniti tramite la compilazione di moduli informatici, vengono raccolti esclusivamente per consentire il contatto con l’azienda e, eventualmente, eseguire il contratto con Lei concluso. Il conferimento, da parte Sua, dei dati in parola ha natura obbligatoria; il suo eventuale rifiuto non ci permetterà di fornirLe il prodotto/servizio da Lei richiesto (potenzialmente esponendoLa a responsabilità per inadempimento contrattuale) e, comunque, di evadere la Sua richiesta. All’interno della nostra struttura potrà venire a conoscenza dei dati solo il personale incaricato di effettuare operazioni di trattamento dei dati stessi, sempre per le citate finalità. Le ricordiamo inoltre che, facendone apposita richiesta al titolare del trattamento, potrà esercitare tutti i diritti previsti dagli articoli da 15 a 22 del predetto Regolamento UE, che Le consentono, in particolare, la facoltà di chiedere l’accesso ai dati personali e di estrarne copia (art. 15 GDPR), la rettifica (art. 16 GDPR) e la cancellazione degli stessi (art. 17 GDPR), la limitazione del trattamento che La riguardi (art. 18 GDPR), la portabilità dei dati (art. 20 GDPR, ove ne ricorrano i presupposti) e di opporsi al trattamento che La riguardi (artt. 21 e 22 GDPR, per le ipotesi ivi menzionate e, in particolare, al trattamento per finalità di marketing o che si traduca in un processo decisionale automatizzato, compresa la profilazione, che produca effetti giuridici che lo riguardano, ove ne ricorrano i presupposti). Le ricordiamo, altresì, il Suo diritto, qualora il trattamento sia basato sul consenso, di revocare detto consenso in qualsiasi momento, senza pregiudicare la liceità del trattamento basata sul consenso prestato prima della revoca; per fare ciò, può disiscriversi in ogni momento contattando il titolare del trattamento ai recapiti pubblicati sul sito stesso. La informiamo, inoltre, del diritto di proporre reclamo all’Autorità Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, quale autorità di controllo operante in Italia, e di proporre ricorso giurisdizionale, tanto avverso una decisione dell’Autorità Garante, quanto nei confronti del titolare del trattamento stesso e/o di un responsabile del trattamento.

* Ho letto e accetto le condizioni della Privacy